
Andrei and Ana-Maria BARBU

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Dear friend in Christ,

It’s our joy and privilege to introduce ourselves to you: We are Andrei and Ana-Maria Barbu.

We are from Romania and we have been married since September 2011!

Andrei: I graduated in 2011 with a degree in Oil Industry at the Gas & Oil University of Ploiesti. I was born in a family of believers and went to church every Sunday. But only at the age of 17 after a long period of depression I received Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. From that moment on, my life changed forever! As a result, I started serving the Lord in different ministries.

Ana-Maria: I graduated in 2010 with a degree in Social Work at the University of Bucharest. I was born in a Christian orthodox family that did not have much to do with God. But my grandparents were born again believers so during my childhood I heard the Gospel many times. Sometimes before I reached high school, I gave my life to Jesus! And that was a great decision!!

Our Vision: Upon graduation each one of us chose to respond to God’s calling and start serving as full time missionaries with Campus Crusade for Christ, among the college students in Bucharest, Romania. Every year there are thousands of college students arriving in the capital city and their greatest need is to hear the Gospel! Our purpose is to win them for Christ, to train them to take the Good News to those people living in the unreached parts of the world.

We would like to invite you to partner with us in both of two ways: through prayer and through financial giving. Right now, we need an additional $ 800/mo that would help us with all our expenses (salary, medical insurance, taxes, ministry expenses, etc). In order to raise this as quickly as possible so we can continue our ministry, we are looking for about 10-15 people to invest between $50-$100/mo. Any other amount is appropriate, of course.

If the Lord is leading you to join our personal ministry, this is how you can help: You need to decide about an amount that you can send it monthly or every couple of months, using this on line giving.

“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” Jim Elliot